I am heavily invested in the U.S. dollar, and contrary to many opinions, I think now is a good buying opportunity for it. That said, I might always change my thinking in the near or far future and divest from the dollar fast if situations change.
So will it recover, or continue its slide against world currencies? Given its volatility lately I think right now the U.S. dollar is pretty exciting.
This blog will be a digest of some of my thoughts and relevant news items. Aside from news links I will post discussions of general interest about economic theory, which has mixed forecasts about the future of cash. I have no training in finances, but like everybody else, when we seek to invest wisely, we rely on our informal training.
Some upcoming topics will include: Austrian Economics, Recessions, and the Dollar; The Value of Money; Power and Inflation; The “Inevitable” Decline of Fiat Currencies; Government Debt and the Dollar; and The Trade Deficit and the Dollar. I’ll also keep ongoing tabs on the dollar as it relates to gold, commodities, CD rates, and other currencies (not minor fluctuations, or “noise,” but ongoing trends), and any other musings that relate to holding cash. I plan to add updates about once or twice per week.